How to fix feed burner error message: The Feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled

If you want visitors of your website to follow web posts, you may use Follow by Email  widget as like the one below,


The Follow by email widget may be available by default in some web templates or it can be added when needed.

Feed Burner Error Message:

Email subscriptions of your website will be in deactivate by default. Hence when any one try to use follow by email option at first time, will land into an error page, one like the below.  


Activate the Email subscriptions for your feed by following this post.
  • Login to google feed burner 
     URL: and then select the feed that you would like to provide email subscriptions


  • Navigate to 'Publicize' Tab of your Feed

  • Click on Email subscription and then 'Activate'

 Now visitors can utilize the follow by email option for Email subscriptions.

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