Showing posts from 2015Show all
OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) unable to open database file
Run celery tasks by name
How to fix feed burner error message:  The Feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled
place holder for flask
Setup Favicon for your blog
RPM installation failed with Digest mismatch error
Custom Sorting Python Dictionary
Converting string representation of tuples, lists and dicts to its actual representation
[emerg]: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
How To Remove (Powered by Blogger) blogger attribution
Live Upgrade facility in Solaris 10
Program to fetch live cricket score and give score notification periodically
Uncheck checked radio button enabled using HTML (Optional radio button)
Learn Python with me
Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum
Moto E automatic reset problem
Program to get input from user
Parsing arguments using docopt
Firefox browser opens through selenium webdriver but it doesn't open URL
Passing arguments to python script through IDLE GUI